Student writing for G.B.C. - The pros and cons of advertising

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Keep doing homework!

Students at the English Farm write some amazing G.B.C. answers, so we are going to share the best of the best.

This piece has had minor corrections by a teacher, but the logic, structure, and word choice are the student's.

Our question today: What are the pros and cons of advertising?

I think "advertising" is too general to describe the pros and cons, so I will talk about online advertising as an example. Firstly, the advantage of online advertising is that it allows advertisers to select target audiences to reach out to, instead of communicating to a mass audience. For example, when you want to sell a pore cleanser, you can place a banner ad on a website which is popular among young adults. You can also customize the content of ads based on a user's previous online behaviors to maximize impact. On the other hand, the disadvantage of online advertising is that certain types of advertisements, such as native ads, can mislead users. For instance, a native ad in a news website usually looks like a news article in terms of format. If you don't read the content carefully, you may believe the article is objectively true, even though it is an advertisement. All in all, I recommend people be critical of online advertising, so as not to be cheated. Instead, be picky about the information you take in.

I am strongly drawn to this answer for several reasons:

1. It contains many native-sounding phrases:

  • to reach out to [someone]
  • to be picky about [something]
  • [It] looks like a news article in terms of format.
  • I recommend people be critical

2. It is succinct. The author includes only relevant and necessary information to get her point across. She does not repeat information.

3. The author gives a counterargument and smoothly links it to the conclusion by way of a general statement:

  • "If you don't read the content carefully, you may believe the article is objectively true..."

So keep writing, and do your best to use The English Farm's strategies to add complexity and impact to your arguments like this person did.